
RSS Janakalyan Samiti

3 Fundraisers | 5 Donations

Our mission at Jankalyan Samiti is to be volunteers in the true sense; and become facilitators in building healthy, self-reliant, knowledgeable, discrimination free society with a modern outlook, while maintaining our rich cultural heritage and ageless traditional values.



  • We are committed to the person as a whole.

We are committed to work with people in the context of family, community and environment, with concern for their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.

  • We are committed to excellence.

We are committed to work with supporters, co-workers and volunteers in a professional manner. We will strive for excellence, encouraging creativity and innovation.

  • We are committed to being accountable.

While striving to be honest, trustworthy and transparent; we are accountable to our partners, members, well-wishers and supporters; we are accountable to them for the time and resources at our disposal.

  • We are committed to National Integration and Harmony.

In the course of our work; we are committed to spread the message of National Integration and Harmony. We will not discriminate on the basis of caste creed or religion.

  • We are committed to law of land.

We believe that the “Law of the Land” is supreme and during the course of our work; we will follow the law of the land in letter and spirit.